Dolma’s Strategy for Aligning Financial Goals with ESG Values
We believe the environment, social and governance principles are crucial for any company to create high impact and long term value for investors.
We follow strict compliance with local, national and international laws, regulations and conventions. We have developed a set of impact performance indicators, consistent with the Sustainable Development Goals and the 169 underlying targets, which are collected, assessed and reported on annually. If there are any gaps, we propose and implement a comprehensive action plan to close the gaps and realise opportunities to create value and impact.
We adhere to the following performance standards to foster sustainable value creation in alignment with our ESG priciples:
Identify Issues, Risk Categorization
ESDD, Agree on ESAP
Investment Agreement Language, Conditions Precedent Checklist
ESAP Implementation Follow Up, Supervision Visits, Quarterly and Annual Monitoring Reporting
E&S Value Creation, Self-Sustaining ESMS, Mitigate Post Exit Risks